We watched a short film about Martin Luther King 1963. The film was a BBC film which had many different iconic people such as Stevie Wonder say his speech. I've been taught about Martin Luther King before and how his speech "I have a dream" is a very powerful and life changing event for the slavery movement. I was immediately covered in goosebumps by what I was hearing and seeing. The pictures shown were of the different negros of the time being discriminated by the whites. This disgusts me however it is an iconic time in our history and we have changed views from hearing this speech.
Today was a chance to get out of our comfort zones and use different ways to produce our drawings.
We were first set the task of drawing someone with our eyes closed which made it hard to know where the persons features were in relation to everything you had previously drawn. I found this hard and is something I rarely do therefore I found this task amusing on the final outcome.
We then had to use our left hand, and whilst I am right handed this was a challenge. I found it to be hard although it have my drawing a more sketchy feel to the drawing because of how hard it was to hold the pen and move in the direction I wanted it to go.
I now drew an ear which is something I find difficult doing because it's not something many people draw when thinking of the face. Whilst drawing the ear I used coloured pencils because it's something I find hard to draw with. As well as finding it challenging I realised that ears are very weird and interesting to draw. My outcome was pretty good and I enjoyed the idea of drawing from life. After reviewing everyone's drawings together I was aware that not everyone's ears are the same and they all vary in size and shape. Also many people drew their ears in different colours which made each drawing unique and different.