Today was the day that I used all my ideas and typefaces to produce a piece that would be shown in 2033. I tried to portray the idea of choices and how I have to decide which path way to choose and how many others in 2033 will have to do the same. After talking to one of the tutors I was then aware that I wasn't thinking about creating the work in the future but was thinking about my own future in the present time. She got me thinking about what London would be like in 2033 and this made me realise that it could possibly more busy and over populated, therefore I wanted to portray this in my work. I decided that to show this element I would use the idea of over population and make my poster seem crowded and full of movement. I used the flowing blue line to create the River Thames using long movements with my pen and paintbrush creating the sense of movement.
My final piece showed the concept of the future and what I feel will be around and I having grown up in the digital world how I see technology growing. This made me think of how we now have the Google glasses which allows you to film through glasses which is a very unique and clever future product. I tried to use colour to show how I would be a creative person in the future suggesting that my art will still be with me, I also used each letter of the word "DECIDE" to present a different element of what I could potentially be doing in the future; although if I was to redo the task I would most defiantly decide to create the poster in a more simpler way and think about the idea of creating the poster in the future rather than thinking about doing it about the future.
Overall, I am not entirely happy with the work I produced although I do like the ideas that were brought forward in the weeks worth of Graphics. The week has made me appreciate the idea of Graphics and the typography also the work that goes into the sense of idea building skills.