Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Graphics Project 8 - InDesign & Photoshop workshop

Prior to this workshop I was very excited by what I could and would produce therefore this was one of my favourite workshops so far. I was very keen to know what I would be doing so then I could get on with the task rather than learn because computer skills is something that I am strong in. This lead me to not listen as much as I would have liked to now because I have learnt some useful tips in developing my work further.

I was to create a film poster which would be for the new film "The 33" which is about the 33 chilean miners who got trapped underground for over two months. I would have liked a different title or not even a specific film however I worked with what I had to do. At first I lacked in ideas and even decided to take a drawing into photoshop before I even knew what it was going to be. I did this because I was stuck with an idea and felt that the process of creating an image may spark some thoughts on what I could do. I tried to create the countries outline into a mine with the colours of oranges to show the heat but felt this idea was not going anywhere and did not show any of my computer skills. I took back to the drawing board and decided to not over complicate the design. I came up with words that could describe the experience, them being, Trapped, alone, hot, crowded. I took the word trapped and came up with the idea of it being a maze to get out so explored how I could portray this in a poster. Black and white seemed to be the best fit for the coal and dirt so I made a Tetris like maze out of rectangles. I wanted to include the text within the maze and so I took the chance to make a T out of the blocks however if I was to improve this I would make the T look better because it doesn't quote look part of the rest of the text.

I was then told by Sophia that my design was too flat and needed a sense of texture so I put a layer of coal on top and then turned down the opacity. Although this looked ok I still prefer the design being black and white. I then took the image into InDesign and added text which made it appear to be a film poster. I really enjoyed today because it allowed me to show off my computer skills as well as learning new ones to help me in my future designs.