This week was not what I wanted to do but it was something that introduced team work again. We were to group up with people from LBM and Media Production which was a task in itself to include everyones skills. I was able to group up with Anissa from graphics as well as Louis from Media production and Ben from LBM. We were to come up with an idea to create anything from the skills we had. The daunting task was something that all of us thought was pointless and lacked enthusiasm for it because we felt our FMP was more important.
We first discussed what our FMP's were and then decided to draw out a key element that linked them all together. The linking word was fear. We then had to decided how to include all of our skills into one piece. Ben was sound design which is something that I was interested in including because I had not worked with sound before. Louis was animation and he was someone that I had worked with before due to being at the same school prior to Rave. I was quite interested in what we could do to include all these elements and it quickly came to me that we should use one of Louis' characters and build it physically. The character is a robot, Ben would make the robot speak and me and Anissa would make the graphics which would be projected onto the robot. To bring in the theme of fear the projection would be of a situation which is a happy one and then the sound of the robot would be really sad and would say the worries involved in the situation.
We all then went onto produce our own elements of the final piece and then met up on Friday to assemble them all together. Although we did not enjoy the project and simply did what we had to do we were able to come up with quite a good idea and managed to get it together in time. During the final assemble our projector did not work and we were not able to project the graphics on the robot but rather had the laptop in from of him. This was disappointing and I felt that it did not have the same effect I wanted.