During the christmas holidays I started the BA Graphics project which was to tell the story of an everyday object. I started off with the idea of a toothbrush and I could see the initial design in my head but later became hard to produce on screen. I wanted to explore into how the toothbrush was made and how the different parts were fitted together however this idea did not work and I left it for another object, the camera. I then started to research into how the camera was made and I quickly found out that the process was very long and took many parts to put together the camera. Therefore I wanted to show this in my final design because many people take for granted the camera and do not realise how many parts go into it. I then decided that I would create a typeface out of the camera parts and therefore I took my camera apart to physically make the typeface. I then took it into photoshop and placed the letters in order as well as arranging them to create a phrase which could evoke meaning.