Friday, 17 January 2014

Graphics project 14 - Data Translation

At first I started off with little ideas of what data I wanted to convey to my audience however I began to research different types of info-graphics which helped me to both understand what I could do as well as beginning to brainstorm ideas. Many examples did not show a representation of data but rather the concept of facts and thoughts they have on certain themes. Whilst researching I came across a video which showed how many days we have left in jelly beans. I was very interested in this idea and I wanted to try and convey this data in some form which would shock people; something my work tries to do a lot. After looking deep into this concept I was now aware that the project would be too complex and costly to try and recreate. I then decided to go back to the research and try to come up with a new idea. 



Many of the examples I came across looked at social media as a theme and I was quickly informed that the social media industry was rapidly growing in popularity. This was a good thing for me to research as I was both interested in the idea and had many ideas forming. I continued to pursue this and continued to further research into this idea. 

I then found this image and felt like it needed to be improved and developed and initially thought of hands around this world image. I then played about with the photography of the hands and then the rest of the space like theme.

I then felt that the world needed to spin and began to experiment with this in photoshop with the aid of youtube video. I quickly found that it would be easier to make a GIF rather than an animation. 

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