Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Graphics Project 16 - Subversive Design

I was unsure of what I could possibly create for this project so I decided to research into irony within brands prior to my own work which gave me an insight on what could do. I decided that I was going to take a brand and recreate it in an ironic sense however I would keep its original layout and colour scheme therefore I played about in Photoshop giving me some initial ideas for some brands I could develop further. After trying to complete this task quickly as I have another project to complete I picked the best out of these designs and developed it further into a better design rather than creating another brand. I chose lego and changed the word lego to ouch because when you tread on a lego block it really hurts and this is something many people relate lego to. I then decided to recreate a lego advertisement poster and used a foot instead of the shadow of an object in the original. After developing the advert I decided to place it in context of the world and where it would be seen. I am happy with this project although if I had enough time I would try to develop the logo and make a better image in the sense of accuracy.

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