This week I set my time on planning out the book,
which means that I could potentially start to make it next week. I wanted to plan out the pages making sure that they all worked well next to each other and had a flow to the book. I started to research into how I would present the book being interactive and came up with the decision of making it very interactive specifying how each interactive page would work. Having previously researched into each element and explored how they could be made. I wanted to both teach and aid the design process which meant that I had to research into each element of graphic design and come up with a few words which summed up the word.
I also researched into the app design and found out a lot about the different ways I could potentially present my own app. I wanted to keep my work original and none of the apps I found really grabbed me as unique in style and this made me want to create something even more powerful in style than others.
Knowing that I was going to plan out the book I wanted to come up with a name and was tied between Challenge Accepted. and Make up your mind. This was then chosen by asking people which they preferred and the majority chose Challenge Accepted. This is now the name of my book and I decided to mess about with a few ideas on photoshop which ended up with me scrapping most of it and recreating by hand. I Loved this font which was found online however it was of a hand writing style which meant that I could recreate this on my own. I tried using spray paint but this didn't give a sharp edge which meant that I decided to use paint and it felt much stronger. I then having been inspired by Kate Moross took on the opportunity to create my own pattern. I wanted to use a blocky felt pattern but also using bright colours to draw in attention. After hand drawing the pattern I disliked the lines and put the pattern into photoshop and neatened it up whilst adding a filter to make it feel more like a challenge referring both to the name and the game Tetris.