Friday, 18 April 2014

FMP Week 3

During this week I have decided to continue with my research and finalise my idea before going into production. I have now decided not to educate clients but to help the client / designer relationship by creating a book in which aids the decision making process due to the fact that this idea would have made the client feel undermined. I want the relationship to be a good one as this will help the whole process but I have little idea on how to do this at the moment and therefore I feel that it would benefit through extra research. I have managed to speak to Michael from Cog Design and he suggested that clients are just people, like me or you and his relationship between his clients is a unique one. As long as the client is not disrespectful he doesn't mind if they take charge but if they do overstep the mark he simply walks away. This was interesting for me to learn as being a designer who also sells there work i understand that it is hard to work with a fussy client, as not everyone gets along. I will be also creating an app because technology is increasing in today's world and a book could not be as effective as a digital based design. The app is something that could also develop my digital skills as this is something I am better at than building and constructing a book.

The app will have to complement the book both in style and design; this week I have researched into how I could make this process easier and have now made the conclusion that the book will have to be fun or the client will not want to even take part in making things easier. I want the book to be an interactive thing and make sure that it excites rather than bores and therefore increases tension between the client and designer. I have researched into different ways of doing this and velcro is a good way to get them involved as well as things that pull out and ways to write down initial ideas in the process.

After researching into app design I have now found out that this is a hard idea to develop as I do not have the skills to generate an app and therefore I will have to either learn or find a way around this. For example an app is made through HTML and I only know a little of the vast amounts you need to produce such complex designs. I would need to research this further to ensure that I knew exactly what I was doing to ensure I have the correct design and layout.

Due to the change of my idea and lack of enthusiasm for the others I have not started to create my project yet and this is beginning to worry me. I am probably a week behind but in week 4 I hope to have caught up with my action plan and finally get back on track.

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