Friday, 31 January 2014

Graphics Project 17 - Constructed Photo

This project was one that did not get very much attention because of lack of time however I tried to do the best I could. I decided that I wanted to choose the word Speed and this meant that I could either speed up or slow down images. I have been previously interested in light trails and this was the perfect opportunity to show off this skill I had learnt. I took photographs of sparklers however I turned down the camera shutter speed which allowed me to capture the light trail perfectly. I took the word speed in the sense of the camera rather than capturing speed in the image.

Having previously had to achieve two other projects in the last two weeks I felt this project was a bit left behind and didn't get as much attention as I would have liked it to. Therefore if I was to redo this project I would rearrange the images to create a more powerful image as a whole. Although, I do really like the way it turned out and gave me a new aspect to my work with photography rather than computer based design.



Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Graphics Project 16 - Subversive Design

I was unsure of what I could possibly create for this project so I decided to research into irony within brands prior to my own work which gave me an insight on what could do. I decided that I was going to take a brand and recreate it in an ironic sense however I would keep its original layout and colour scheme therefore I played about in Photoshop giving me some initial ideas for some brands I could develop further. After trying to complete this task quickly as I have another project to complete I picked the best out of these designs and developed it further into a better design rather than creating another brand. I chose lego and changed the word lego to ouch because when you tread on a lego block it really hurts and this is something many people relate lego to. I then decided to recreate a lego advertisement poster and used a foot instead of the shadow of an object in the original. After developing the advert I decided to place it in context of the world and where it would be seen. I am happy with this project although if I had enough time I would try to develop the logo and make a better image in the sense of accuracy.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Graphics Project 15 - Alphabet type

As soon as I got the brief for this project I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I knew exactly how I would do it however I did go back and research into different ways people have used food and different objects to create typeface. I was quite surprised by the amount of different ways people had found out how to produce such letters. I was very inspired by these images I found and was thinking about changing my idea to using apples but kept to my original of using eggs. Once I had researched into the formation of letters I realised cutting eggs would be difficult as well as messy so I decided that I would have to use cookie cutters in order to produce a clean cut edge. I then went out and bought 50 eggs which I fried and then cut out into both letters, numbers and punctuation. This took two days and was not a pleasant thing to do however I am pleased with the outcome and happy with the comments I got from people viewing my work. I took these images into photoshop and cleaned up the background placing it on a chrome layer which symbolised the pan it could be fried in. I am very happy with the final piece.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Graphics project 14 - Data Translation

At first I started off with little ideas of what data I wanted to convey to my audience however I began to research different types of info-graphics which helped me to both understand what I could do as well as beginning to brainstorm ideas. Many examples did not show a representation of data but rather the concept of facts and thoughts they have on certain themes. Whilst researching I came across a video which showed how many days we have left in jelly beans. I was very interested in this idea and I wanted to try and convey this data in some form which would shock people; something my work tries to do a lot. After looking deep into this concept I was now aware that the project would be too complex and costly to try and recreate. I then decided to go back to the research and try to come up with a new idea. 



Many of the examples I came across looked at social media as a theme and I was quickly informed that the social media industry was rapidly growing in popularity. This was a good thing for me to research as I was both interested in the idea and had many ideas forming. I continued to pursue this and continued to further research into this idea. 

I then found this image and felt like it needed to be improved and developed and initially thought of hands around this world image. I then played about with the photography of the hands and then the rest of the space like theme.

I then felt that the world needed to spin and began to experiment with this in photoshop with the aid of youtube video. I quickly found that it would be easier to make a GIF rather than an animation. 

Friday, 10 January 2014

Graphics Project 13 - Way-finding and Maps

Getting into this project was hard for me because I had no interest in it. My journey to and from Ravensbourne are not very far so I didn't quite know where my inspiration would come from. I decided to look into ways of presenting maps and this lead me to books as well as the internet. I wanted to do something that would be striking and quite bold and when I found a piece by Jenni Sparks I was inspired deeply. I wanted to include the tube map because it was something that I enjoyed playing about with and decided to make it more literal in the sense of space and place around London itself. I tried to recreate Jenni Spark's idea however it turned out to be exactly like hers and this was something that concerned me as it was not original. If i was to try and do this again I would change some of the styles in which I drew the places because it will help differ my work. However this project could be improved if I did not rush the process of gaining an idea.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Graphics Project 12 - Passage of time

During the christmas holidays I also did the passage of time project where you had to record a time period within one picture. I decided that I wanted to convey this picture as a progression of one where the picture was cut up into a time however it would complete the overall image. I would have liked to explore this project further however I did not get enough time due to the other project I have been doing. These were my final images I created:

Friday, 3 January 2014

Graphics Project 11 - BA Graphics

During the christmas holidays I started the BA Graphics project which was to tell the story of an everyday object. I started off with the idea of a toothbrush and I could see the initial design in my head but later became hard to produce on screen. I wanted to explore into how the toothbrush was made and how the different parts were fitted together however this idea did not work and I left it for another object, the camera. I then started to research into how the camera was made and I quickly found out that the process was very long and took many parts to put together the camera. Therefore I wanted to show this in my final design because many people take for granted the camera and do not realise how many parts go into it. I then decided that I would create a typeface out of the camera parts and therefore I took my camera apart to physically make the typeface. I then took it into photoshop and placed the letters in order as well as arranging them to create a phrase which could evoke meaning.